Preheat the oven to 180°
For your base, firstly grease a 26cm springform tin with butter. Then place the Graham Crackers into a food processor and blitz into fine crumbs. Melt the butter over medium heat, then combine the crumbs & butter. Add the sugar and mix again. Put the crumbs mix onto the base, then press with a glass to have it all covered. Bake for 15 minutes, take out the springform and raise the oven temperature to 225°
Now mix the custard by whisking together the cream cheese, sugar, flour, and the lemon juice and zest until you get an even texture. Then add the sour cream, the eggs and the vanilla extract. Mix again until you get a smooth custard cream.
Next, grease the sides of the springform tin and spread the cream over the base.
There are three ways to bake your cheesecake:- Cover your springform with tin foil and place into a large baking dish/ baking tray filled with water- Place a large baking dish filled with water on the lower lever of the oven- If you have a very new oven, use the steam boost function on max level
Bake the cake for 10 minutes at 225°, then reduce heat to 90° and bake for another 50 minutes. Turn off the oven but leave the cake in there for 2 hours. After that, take it out and let cool completely. Once it's completely cooled down, refrigerate for another 3-5 hours before serving.