Today while preparing the arrival of my my Parisian friend I was thinking about the lovely birthday gifts I got from family and friends and I was smiling, because every year there is one dominating theme in the gifts I get. I was happy to see how well my beloveds know me so well. It’s not that difficult to figure that my favorite colors are violet and pink, that I love chocolate and baking and cooking. So no wonder everything turns around these colors and themes.
These observations made me think of my birthday in 2005 when 3 of my friends baked brownies for me. I had almost 50 to 60 pieces at home, which I shared with family and friends. Three totally different and yet so yummy recipes. This was the moment when I found that this would be a perfect moment to bake brownies. BROWNIES I thought, and this is how the decision for my next blog post was taken. I went to the supermarket and bought some butter, chocolate and caramel. Arriving at home I saw that there were some walnuts left and decided to add them to give them a nutty flavor.
This is basically how I decide what to post next. In general I do not preview much in advance what to bake or cook next. There are some recipes queuing for months now. But every time some other dish or cake pops up in my head in very unexpected moments. Don’t ask me why, it always happens like this.
Special Thanks also to my friend Manon L. who did a great job as a lightning assistant. During winter it’s not always easy to deal with the grey sky. Very often the pictures become too dark. So thanks for holding the linen paper.

Caramel Walnut Brownies
- 90 g flour
- 150 g sugar
- 3 eggs
- 120 g butter
- 180 g dark chocolate
- 60 g soft caramels
- 70 g walnuts
- Preheat the oven to 180°
- In a large bowl beat the egg, then add the sugar.
- Melt the chocolate and butter in a bain-marie.
- While these ingredients are slowly melting add the flour to the beaten eggs until you get an even dough.
- Once the chocolate is completely melted, pour it into the dough.
- Cut the soft caramels into small cubes and chop the nuts, then add them as well and mix again.
- Bake for 25 minutes.
Share your creations and tag me @passionmeetscreativity #passionmeetscreativity. I can’t wait to see what you’ve made!